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  • #4135240

    Facing problem in creating download button

    by mbbasit71005 ·

    I have recently launched my new project to download videos from Threads and i am facing issue while creating a fully functioning download button.

    am using block editor anyone guide me please, if you want am sharing link of my blog

    Kindly guide me accordingly. thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 3 days, 11 hours ago by Avatar photokees_b.

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    • #4135267
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      Re: button

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Facing problem in creating download button

      I visited you site, and it said how it works. Nothing to indicate it only functions partially in stead of fully.

      I doubt if the editor you use is relevant.

      Anyway, better contact Meta to discuss your problem. They surely can tell you how to download any video from their Threads site.

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