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    Installing new VM’s for Servers

    by bobjosullivan ·

    We currently have a ESXI Client Ver 1.25.0 Build # 7872652, Esxi Ver# 6.7.0 & Exsi Build #; 8169922.

    I’m charged with upgrading this system to a new Engineering modeling program called: Creo/WindChill. Windchill will be the M/S SQL DB hosting all the data and Creo will be the interface. Are there any good VM tools out there that will allow me to decided how to spec this out? I keep receiving conflicting ideas on how to proceed. Thanks, in advance for any assistance.

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    • #4135262
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      Time to talk to

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Installing new VM’s for Servers

      VMware and Creo/Windchill. I see the ESXI Client is woefully out of date so there’s that.

      Back to those makers to see what they support.

      In other words, move to versions the makers support.

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