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  • #4135906

    Cloud networking vs traditional networking

    by mobollo ·


    I want to have a career in traditional networking. However I’ve just acquired new information of cloud networking. I just wanted to know if anyone has the answer. Could I still get a job in traditional networking job in 2/3 years. And when roughly will cloud networking be completely used in everywhere.

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    • #4135968
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      Very few will work at a “Cloud” vendor.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Cloud networking vs traditional networking

      So for now your cloud networking is same as other networks. You didn’t give me any example so let’s define a few concepts first:
      -> Cloud computing involves renting third-party servers for storage, hosting applications, and managing databases over the internet. Whereas, using off-premise servers and network resources to build and manage your IT network is called cloud networking.

      Even with that, you are highly unlikely to set such up. Get your basic networking done first.

      Also, yes to your question that you forgot to add a question mark.

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