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  • #4137061

    Bluetooth connection issue

    by hungledink ·

    I have 2 smartphones, 1 is an honor play, and the other is Samsung a22

    I connect my smartphone to my car’s entertainment unit via Bluetooth to play my music etc.

    The honor phone connects smoothly every time with no issues.

    The Samsung however, hardly connects at all. Sometimes it connects straight away, other times after several minutes and then sometimes not at all

    I’ve tried changing all sorts in the settings but all to no avail.

    Could anyone help diagnose what the issue could be?

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    • #4137064
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      Reply To: Bluetooth connection issue

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Bluetooth connection issue

      I wish I could tell you why but I cannot. I have a Galaxy S23 Ultra and it may connect to my truck’s phone option wirelessly via Bluetooth but other Android Auto options require a USB cable connection from phone to the truck. Have you tried this method yet? How old is your car? I am wondering if the Android Auto application might need to be updated if it hasn’t been done recently.

    • #4137157
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      On vacation and across two Android Auto rentals.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Bluetooth connection issue

      The first one connected fine over wireless. The next one didn’t go wireless until I connected with some USB cable.

      While I like the idea of Android Auto, it feels half baked and not implemented the same across all car models. Both cars were from Kia.

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