Travel and business expense policy

This policy is designed to provide guidelines for reporting travel and/or business expenses to obtain reimbursement and to help travelers make decisions that maximize the value of every dollar spent.

From the policy:

It is a standard procedure for employees to seek and obtain reimbursement from the organization for travel and business expenses incurred while conducting company operations. It’s important for the organization to be mindful of spending and identify ways to increase efficiency as well. Having an established travel and business expense policy helps streamline reimbursements and control costs by providing a concrete foundation of expectations for both the employee and the business.

This policy can be customized to fit the needs of the organization. Note that the process for submitting expense reports can vary; some companies use internal or external websites, some may require email and scanned documents, and still others may utilize printed documentation. Adjust this policy to match existing expense reimbursement structure.

All employees, whether full-time, part-time, contractors, consultants, interns, or temporary workers, are covered by this policy. It also applies to all company-owned equipment and material related thereto.

Unless otherwise indicated in this document, any exceptions to these guidelines must be approved in writing (via email) by the employee’s manager for each instance that an exception is to be made. In every instance, all exception documentation must be submitted to the appropriate parties/system along with the expense report and receipts.

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TechRepublic Premium
November 16, 2016
TechRepublic Premium

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