Virtual private network, VPN, Data encryption, IP substitute.
Image: Funtap/Adobe Stock

VPNs are growing in popularity, as they safeguard your privacy online and can allow users to access geo-restricted content. However, VPN systems do more than just enable you to stream shows and movies from other countries. VPNs can protect your data, personal information, key exchanges and more. Read on to learn about how Proton VPN and Atlas VPN compare in providing safe online browsing.

SEE: VPN usage policy (TechRepublic Premium)

What is Proton VPN?

Proton VPN is a secure VPN developed as an encrypted email service to protect the privacy of journalists and activists who use ProtonMail. However, now anyone can use the Proton VPN service to safeguard their online data use, regardless of whether or not they utilize Proton’s other connected Mail, Calendar or Drive services.

What is Atlas VPN?

Atlas VPN is another VPN service that protects users’ online browsing privacy and shields them from online threats. It has various capabilities for user protection, including malware and ad blocking, tracker blockers, and more features that we will discuss throughout this article.

Common features of Proton VPN and Atlas VPN

Encrypted connectionsData breach monitoringData protection featuresLimitless data on free plansTracker blocker and ad blocker
Proton VPN 🚫
Atlas VPN🚫

Encrypted connections

Proton VPN keeps users’ data and traffic secure by encrypting their connections through robust encryption ciphers. Users can encrypt their traffic with AES-256 if they use the OpenVPN or IKEv2 VPN protocol, or ChaCha20 if they use WireGuard’s VPN protocol. User key exchanges are also protected with the Diffie-Hellman security approach. Finally, Proton VPN provides continuous security through its military-grade encryption methods. Proton’s encryption ciphers and VPN protocols generate a unique set of encryption keys each time a user connects to the VPN, supporting forward secrecy.

SEE: Best encryption software 2022 (TechRepublic)

Atlas VPN encrypts its users’ connections to protect their browser data and defend against threats. It utilizes AES-256 to safeguard users’ classified data, ChaCha20 to support symmetric encryption, and Poly1305 to verify users’ data integrity. Additionally, secure hashing through BLAKE2s and SHA-384 for message authentication takes Atlas’ encryption features one step further. This way, users can trust that their VPN protects them from potential data exposure. Finally, MultiHop+ enables users to protect their online traffic with multiple layers of encryption by tunneling their connection with numerous rotating VPN locations.

Data protection features

Proton VPN is developed and based in Switzerland, which means that it was created to comply with Switzerland’s strong privacy laws. As a result, users everywhere can benefit from the same advanced legal protections as Swiss citizens while online.Included in these are a strict no-logs policy; ProtonVPN cannot monitor the IP address, session lengths, browsing history, or any identifying information of its users. In addition, because the tool falls under Swiss data protection regulations, the software is not required to comply with requests not supported by a Swiss court order. This means that your data is fully protected by Switzerland’s privacy laws and political neutrality.

In addition to its encryption methods, Atlas VPN also protects its users’ online security with additional data protection features. This includes the Data Break Monitor tool, which lets users know when their sensitive information is leaked in a data breach. Data Break continuously scans publicly revealed databases for credentials associated with the user’s email addresses. Users can also check their account breach history for insights into past data breaches. Atlas’ SafeSwap servers provide even more online privacy by letting users access the internet through multiple IP addresses at a time. Atlas VPN has independent security logging and also follows a no-logs protocol, so users don’t need to worry about Atlas VPN collecting any information that could be used to trace their data or identify them.

SEE: Enjoy greater online freedom with Atlas VPN (TechRepublic Academy)

Proton VPN’s Netshield Ad-blocker feature to protect them against online threats and speed up their online activity. The ad blocker prevents users’ browsers from loading resources from online areas that host malware and other security threats. In addition, Proton VPN encrypts users’ DNS requests and manages them through its dedicated DNS server. The server checks the web domain against databases of domains known to contain malicious software, thereby reducing the chance of users ending up on an unsafe domain. The Netshield Ad-blocker also checks users’ DNS requests for any known advertising agencies and trackers to identify and block them. The lists are continuously updated, so users can trust that their browsing activity is secured using the VPN system.

The Atlas VPN Tracker Blocker tool defends users against third-party trackers and even provides the user with information about who has been tracking them. Tracker Blocker blocks malware, including cryptojacking, spyware, ransomware, and more malicious programs. For the average internet user, It can be challenging to figure out which areas online are safe and which can expose you to harmful threats. Fortunately, Tracker Blocker identifies malicious websites and stop users from entering them. Under the Tracker Blocker umbrella also falls security features to block ads.

Choosing Proton VPN vs Atlas VPN

Proton VPN and Atlas VPN offer several similar features to protect their users’ web activity and privacy online. However, they also contain aspects that make their services unique. Consider the features that set them apart to determine which of these two VPN solutions is better for your needs.

For example, perhaps you would prefer a VPN with more encryption options, so Atlas VPN would better suit this stipulation. On the other hand, if you want a VPN server with political neutrality to reduce the likelihood of government surveillance, hackers, or content censorship. By looking into the factors and features that differentiate these two products, you can make a confident decision based on the product with the best aspects for your VPN security needs.