How adjusting service ticket behaviors can improve end user satisfaction

In this TechRepublic Premium guide, technicians can learn how to properly structure service tickets, gain appreciative customers and end users, and improve customer satisfaction (or CSAT) scores which will reward your efforts.

From the guide:


It’s tempting, in the heat of the typical support technician’s day, to enter minimal information in service tickets to speed resolution. After all, closing tickets quickly is the goal, right? Eighteen years of industry consulting experience, however, has taught me the opposite is true. It’s important to take a little time to compose and update tickets properly.

Certainly, it’s counterintuitive. But experts regularly advise anyone willing to listen that to go fast you must first learn to go slow. This isn’t a Buddhist lesson, just an admonition, in this case, to carefully collect and enter specific information when working service tickets on a help desk.

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TechRepublic Premium
June 22, 2023
TechRepublic Premium

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